Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TJ Maxx Jeans

TJ Maxx is one of my favorite places to go treasure hunting for all sorts of things, but it is especially a great place to find designer jeans at great prices. I was at the TJ Maxx off of Brodie Lane a few weeks ago, and sure enough, there was a rack full of Seven jeans, including a really cool pair with pink stitching on the pockets that I had never seen before. I've regularly seen jeans from Seven, Hudson, and Joe's there, and have even seen a few pairs of Rock & Republic. The best part is most of the jeans are $99.

Now, this is not the place for those of you who hate to shop (although those people are probably not reading this blog anyway). You can't just pop in and find the perfect pair in 15 minutes like you can in a department store. But this is the perfect place for those of us who love the thrill of the hunt. Most of the time you'll go in and there will be a very small selection, or none of the jeans will be your size.

But then you'll have that moment when you spot the pair you've been looking for, in the cut you want, in the wash you want, with pocket detail you love, and they're in your size, and they fit you perfectly, and they're only $99 off from $175...savor that moment. You don't know when it will come again. Tomorrow you may be paying full price, but today...today you saved $75.

www.tjmaxx.com for locations.


Anonymous said...

I just bought a pair of Joe's on clearance at my TJ Maxx (which rocks!) for $70. Now that is sweet.

Jenny said...

I have GOT to give the Maxx a shot. But I have a feeling I will really need to be in the mood. I am usually more of a get in and get out shopper. But for those kind of savings, I would be willing to sacrifice.

blair said...

Jenny, the maxx will make you crazy. I was with Joc for the Joe's shopping trip - it is the scariest place in the world. It is kind of like going through a war zone of other bargain shoppers and screaming kids to get to the denim...worth it if you can keep your hang on to your sanity.