Thursday, August 20, 2009

Project Runway is BACK! Here's the recap

I was so excited for Project Runway premiere night that I decided to do a recap for you guys! The change from Bravo to Lifetime was pretty seamless--not too many changes to the format. They did change the workroom with the move to L.A.--I liked the old one better, I thought the new one looked really cramped.

The night started off with a two hour all-star challenge. Santino, Sweet P, Mychael, Daniel, Uli, Chris, Jeffrey, and Karto were the all-stars from past seasons competing for $100K. It was really fun to see the contestants again. Roughly 1/6 of the show consisted of images of Chris snoring. Chris snoring while everyone else sketched madly. Chris snoring while everyone else fights over models at the casting. Chris snoring on runway day while everyone else runs around madly sewing dresses on models. I guess it worked for him because he was one of the top 4.

Korto and Daniel were the two finalists. I loved Korto's collection, which was full of gorgeous prints, textures and shapes, but the judges chose Daniel as the winner. Eh. To me, his collection belonged in a gross, 80's gym. I loved his red carpet dress, which was a short cap sleeve dres made out of a black fabric with a beautiful sheen and bright white side panels. But the other looks were basically athletic tops alternately paired with a bubble skirt or tight pants, all based around a garish sort of teal color. Maybe it was too visionary for me, I just didn't get it.

Then we were on to the premiere of the new season, hurrah! The challenge was to create a red-carpet look. Apparently, Malvin doesn't know what a red carpet is: "I don't differentiate between different colors of carpet." Uh...sure you don't. Oh Project Runway, how I've missed you and your pretentious designers! Which brings me to Ari, who does a handstand against the wall while everyone else sketches, because she does not sketch. She "just sort of mediate(s) on the mood of where the garment will be and who will be wearing it." Awesome.

I love Shirin, who is from Richardson, Texas and is adorable--my love for her is completely based on the cute little vintage hat she wore on Day 1 and the fact that she is from Texas. It takes very little to win me over.

Johnny, who said he previously battled a meth addiction, had a mini-meltdown on Day 1 when he changed his design like 5 times, and sort of broke down to Tim. He finally confessed to Tim that he was afraid to fail. After a pep talk from Tim ("You can do it Johnny!!!"--love him!), he got it together and went to work, and ended up sending out a really pretty draped dress.

Malton tried to describe his dress, but really couldn't. "No one can describe the type of garments I do. There's not really a vocab for them yet." (eye roll) Um, Malton, you sent out a sleeveless dress. Calm down. (It was a cute dress though)

Out on the runway, out walks guest judge...Lindsay Lohan? Kinda weird, but okay.

Ari's outfit was...I don't even know what it was. It was hectagon shaped tiles out of silver metallic fabric sewn together to make a sort of halter tunic with a hood. In the workroom, Tim expressed his concern that the top was going to look like a "halter diaper." No Tim, according to Michael Kors, it ended up looking like a "disco soccer ball," which at least beats a halter diaper, IMO. When pressed by Nina Garcia to specify which red carpet her model would be walking, Ari cited the VMA's-- in 2080. Oh, and apparently the model is also receiving her nobel peace prize the same night. (At this point, LL bites her lip worriedly, as though concerned someone is going to make her wear this thing)

Christopher, who is a self-taught designer, won with this really cute, short, textured dress with a fun high-volume skirt. In the end, Mitchell, who sent out a completely sheer neck to floor caftan, beat out Ari, and she was sent packing. Honestly, I think I would have sent Mitchell home--at least I felt Ari's outfit was interesting (and would not get you arrested while wearing it in public, which I always feel is a plus). I will miss her, she was wacky and wonderful.

Overall, I thought the dresses were mostly really interesting, and it makes me really excited for the new season. You can check out profiles of the designers and see all the looks from last night's show at the new PR website. I don't love the new website, I find it really hard to navigate--just trying to find pics of the outfits from episode 1 was painful.


Unknown said...

Thank goodness Tim is back in our lives!!

Jocelyn said...

I am so sad that we have not talked about this. We sat on a couch for four hours on saturday and I have no idea how this was not brought up. My only complaint about it being moved to Oxygen is that the show is no longer in HD. You really appreciate the clothes so much more in HD. And I LOVED korto's collection - I hated Daniels. I will watch this show religiously all season and then will rewatch a minimum of 8 times in the offseason.