Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gossip Girls Fashion

I'm out of town for the rest of the week readers, so here's a little bonus post for you. It's an article in the New York Times about the fashion of Gossip Girls. If you don't watch it, you should. Yes, I am over 30 and I am a Gossip Girls viewer. There, I said it. I am not ashamed.
The article is about the fabulous clothes they were, and they do wear super cute, expensive clothing with very unique styling a la Sex and the City. The article questions the reality of the fashion, in the same vein as the "Carrie could never afford to dress like that" criticism that people have of SATC. Personally, it doesn't bother me. I don't want to see television where the stars dress like normal people. That's boring. Regardless, I think the criticism is less justified in the case of GG, where the characters are all super rich people, possibly working with personal stylists.
The article makes an interesting argument: that we all fall into either the Blair or Serena fashion camps. Personally, I'm with Blair--I love a cute headband.
Enjoy the article, and catch up on the reruns of Gossip Girl this summer so you can start watching the new fall episodes.

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