Friday, July 24, 2009

Textured Gray Scarf from Target

I found this cute gray scarf at Target last weekend, and I had to pick it up in preparation for fall/winter. It's a really pretty deep gray color, and has a really cool texture to it. The website has named it "Heavy Crinkle Wrap", and while possibly not the most creative name they could have come up with, it's a very good physical description at least. It has a nice weight too it (hence, the "heavy") and basically looks like someone wadded it up into a ball and threw it in the bottom of their purse for a few weeks (hence, the "crinkle")--but in a good way! It has a lot of volume, and will be perfect to wear with long sleeve T-shirts this fall in my freezer of an office. $14.99 at Target stores and online.

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